Film Cine Coin (FilmCC) Smart Contract Details
Smart Contract Information
- Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
- Smart Contract Address: 0x5d76a3bde9c91ff2e58bf36b8a10f9f8
- Explorer Link: View on BscScan
- Security: Audited smart contract ensuring transparency and safety
- Total Supply: 1 Billion FilmCC
- Buy Fee: 1%
- Sell Fee: 1%
- Liquidity Fee: 2%
- Developer Fee: 1%
How to Buy FilmCC
You can buy FilmCC using the following platforms:
- PancakeSwap (Swap BNB for FilmCC)
- Connect your wallet (MetaMask, Trust Wallet, etc.)
- Enter the contract address and swap BNB for FilmCC